What is a Foundation?
A Foundation is a separate organization whose purpose is to support a charitable cause. The sole purpose of the Bethany Lutheran Church Foundation is to give financial support to the various Ministries of Bethany Lutheran Church of Johnson County.
Who manages the Foundation?
The Bethany Lutheran Church Foundation has a volunteer Board of Directors. All of the Directors are members of Bethany Lutheran Church. The Board of Directors sets policy, reviews investments and coordinates the transfer of the earnings to Bethany or individual students of Bethany. The Board consults frequently with the called staff of Bethany Lutheran Church.
Where is the Foundation located?
The books and records of the Bethany Lutheran Church Foundation of Kansas are located at the offices of Bethany Lutheran Church. Its address is 9101 Lamar Street, Overland Park, Kansas 66207-2494.
How can I make a contribution to the Foundation?
A Foundation Giving Envelope is included in each of the monthly giving envelopes mailed to all Bethany members. You can use that envelope and drop it into the collection plate on Sunday or mail it to: 9101 Lamar Street, Overland Park, Kansas 66207-2494.
If you have a specific charitable intent, you can contact any of the Board members to discuss a tax efficient method of making a contribution. The Foundation officers and Board members have advisors who will assistance anyone interested in making a specific or restricted donation.
Who do I contact for language for my will or estate documents?
You can visit the Leave a Legacy section of this website for more information. Please contact Al Hagemann, the Foundation Chairperson, with any questions. He has extensive experience working with many Kansas City attorneys. His phone number is 913-814-7327; you can also contact him at [email protected].
Who do I contact for establishing an Endowment for a specific Bethany ministry?
Contact any of the Board members. They will work with you and the rest of the Board to help establish a specific Endowment Fund to support a specific Bethany ministry. In order to establish a new Endowment Fund, a commitment of at least $10,000 is required. This amount can be raised by one or many contributors.
How do I apply for Tuition Assistance for:
Bethany Lutheran School: Please contact the Principal or School Secretary to request a FACTS application for tuition assistance. The school will give you the date by which the FACTS application must be submitted
Missouri Synod Schools, including the Seminaries: Download a copy of the application form located in the Tuition Assistance section of this website. Complete the form and submit the completed form to the church office, marked for the Foundation Scholarship Committee. The application should be submitted no later than June 1 of the school year.
The Lutheran High School of Kansas City: Download a copy of the application form located in the Tuition Assistance section of this website. Complete the form and submit the completed form to the church office, marked for the Foundation Scholarship Committee. The application should be submitted no later than June 1 of the school year.